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List of relevant news

  • Garden Party 2024

    Garden Party 2024

    What a day, even though it was mostly an inside event, everyone had a great time. Without our incredible staff, the day would not have been such a great success. Most of all, we must thank them for the amazing team work on the day and before.

    Thank you to all who volunteered and donated so many items, from bric-a-brac to cakes, from plants and flowers to books and not forgetting Avon, Love Africa to Green Pastures, thank you everyone.

    On the day we raised £583.45 and this year we are going to buy another park bench to go in our grounds. It will be engraved with ‘Eckling Grange Garden Party 2024’. Enjoy relaxing.

    Please take the time and enjoy looking through the pictures attached.

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  • Residents’ Survey May 2024

    Residents’ Survey May 2024

    We have recently conducted a Residents’ survey including all 38 Residents who live in the Grange and 5 of the Residents from the Wing (Dementia Care Unit). We have been extremely pleased with the feedback, but as always, there is room for improvement.

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  • January → March 2024

    January → March 2024

    Life around Eckling Grange between January & March 2024.

    The pictures have been taken in all areas of the home including some of the trips out.

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  • Christmas 2023

    Christmas 2023

    Christmas around Eckling Grange 2023.

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  • 60<sup>th</sup> Anniversary

    60th Anniversary

    On the 15th July we celebrated the 60th anniversary of Eckling Grange with 280 current residents, their families and guests, including, former trustees, contractors, local district nurses and many volunteers. This was a very special time as we remembered the beginnings of Eckling Grange and celebrated God's faithfulness over many years.

    Please enjoy looking through the pictures from the day.

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  • Diamond Anniversary Programme & Memoirs

    Diamond Anniversary Programme & Memoirs

    On the 15th July we celebrated the 60th anniversary of Eckling Grange with 280 current residents, their families and guests, including, former trustees, contractors, local district nurses and many volunteers. This was a very special time as we remembered the beginnings of Eckling Grange and celebrated God's faithfulness over many years.

    Please enjoy looking through the pictures from the day.

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  • Minibus 2023

    Minibus 2023

    The Minibus is all ready for another year of trips out and about. All of our residents have the opportunity to regularly go out, whether that’s to a local garden centre, café, beauty spot or even a trip to the coast.

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  • The New Gatehouse

    The New Gatehouse

    The journey of our new community room from start to finish Oct 2022 to March 2023. This meeting room is now open and has now been named ‘The Gatehouse’...

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  • January → March News

    January → March News

    Another 100th birthday and craft display from the residents art group...

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  • Christmas 2022

    Christmas 2022

    This is just a taste of the fantastic activities which have taken place around Eckling Grange during December. Please take a look, and a huge thank you to everyone who has taken part and supported our lovely family here

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  • Norfolk Wild Encounters

    Norfolk Wild Encounters

    Another great day with Norfolk Wild Encounters. The residents loved to hold and touch the different falcons.

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  • Eckling Grange in Bloom 2022

    Eckling Grange in Bloom 2022

    This year has seen the best flower display ever around our 6 acres of grounds and gardens. Our gardener has done an amazing job this year considering the heatwave.

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  • Eckling Grange Memory Walk

    Eckling Grange Memory Walk

    On the 29th September 40 Residents, Staff, Families and Volunteers joined Jack the Shetland Pony walking around the six acre gardens of Eckling Grange. The Residents absolutely loved it, enjoying the walk with Jack on a beautiful sunny autumn day. We want to thank the many people who donated towards our memory walk but a special thank you to Jack and Ali for making the morning so much fun.

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  • Afternoon Tea on the 25th August

    Afternoon Tea on the 25th August

    Residents in both the AT Wing & Grange enjoyed an afternoon concert by Lilly Armstrong followed by a scrumptious afternoon tea. The pictures do not do it justice.

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  • Best Dressed Day 2022

    Best Dressed Day 2022

    The 18 th August was another first for Eckling Grange, as we had our first ever ‘Best Dressed Day’. Several residents and staff took part and the residents were also the judging panel with ‘Love it’ or ‘Like it’ cards to display. This was all finished off with Pimm's and Canapés. As you can see from the pictures, everyone had a great time.

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  • Beach Party 2022

    Beach Party 2022

    On 11th August we had our very first Beach Party. There was all sorts of fun as you can see in the pictures. Including, our very own beach and sea to paddle in, traditional beach games and to top it all, we had Fish and Chips from the local chip shop and finished off with ice creams. The Residents loved feeling the sand between their toes and paddling.

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  • What a time was had by all…

    What a time was had by all…

    On Friday 3rd June Eckling Grange celebrated the Queens Jubilee with its first ever Street Party.

    170 Residents and Staff joined together to party and celebrate.

    Ian Eves provided the entertained sing songs covering the various decades and Pastor Ian Masson provided a ‘Thought for the Day’ reflecting the Coronation Service in 1952.

    Other fun included quizzes and trivia over the years and of course a lot of Street Party food.

    Councillor Alison Webb also attended and joined in the fun and Eckling Grange would like to thank her and Breckland Council for their support through the Jubilee Grant scheme.

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  • Jubilee News

    Jubilee News

    See here some more news about our Jubilee celebration

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  • February & March News 2020

    February & March News 2020

    February & March News 2020

    What a couple of months we have had. We started with a first for Eckling Grange, a Shetland Pony visiting the residents. Then came Valentines Day, Cake making, Craft times and Activities galore.

    Life at Eckling Grange carries on as normal even in these very strange days. Keep looking for our weekly updates.

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  • December News 2019

    December News 2019

    Life around Eckling Grange has been busy busy busy over December with a lot of Christmas activities. From children dancing to bells ringing, from builders singing to carols and Christmas wreath displays. Most events have had a high level of food or presents included, or both, but overall everyone has had a great time celebrating Christmas.

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  • Shoe Box Appeal 2019

    Shoe Box Appeal 2019

    This year the residents have made up 20 shoe boxes which are being sent to Eastern Europe through BLYTHSWOOD CARE The residents have enjoyed filling the boxes with all sorts of goodies for the children, bringing joy to those less well off.

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  • August News 2019

    August News 2019

    Although the August weather was incredibly hot, it didn’t stop the residents getting out and about around Norfolk. This month’s groups from  both sides of the home went to Wymondham Abbey, Saxlingham Chapel and Pensthorpe Nature Reserve but there was also plenty going on around the complex. Take a look at the newly repaint summer house in the Wing being used as a coffee shop.

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  • Little Owls

    Little Owls

    Little Owls is a day care nursery in Dereham and they have formed a link with Eckling Grange bringing children once a month to spend time with the residents in the Grange. They enjoy various activities while they are with us and everyone has loads of fun. Check out their website.

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  • Friend in Deed visit

    Friend in Deed visit

    Some moments are extra special. This wonderful little visitor made a new Friend this morning. The next little visitor session at Eckling Grange care home in Dereham will take place on Monday 2nd September. All ages are welcome to attend, just bring along a couple of games/books. 10.30-12 but it is fine to pop along for just half an hour or whatever you can make. New to Friend in Deed, sign your child up here, you can then attend any of our sessions and events - (FB new form per child). #intergenerational #allages #kindness #community #volunteer #norfolk @friendindeedinsta #dementia

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  • July News 2019

    July News 2019

    This year's garden party was another great success. One visitor told us it wasn't like any other garden party she had been to but rather described it as a family party. This year, amidst a lot of fun, music and fine food we raised the grand total of £900.00 towards our residents' activities and trips out. So, on behalf of all the staff, thank you for coming and making it a 'family' party.

    Dale Farm

    A big thank you must go to Graham & Sally Watts who once again invited the residents of Eckling Grange to spend the day with them visiting their amazing gardens and enjoying lovely freshly made cakes. Please take the time to look at the photos.

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  • April, May and June News 2019

    April, May and June News 2019

    In April and May the weather was unusually warm which encouraged everyone to enjoy getting outside. The Easter egg hunt went well, with the residents enjoying seeing the staff´s children having a great time running around the garden finding eggs and making Easter bonnets.

    The ABBA tribute afternoon was a favourite, with several visiting family members joining in. During half term the gun dogs came back and put on a highly skilled display on the main lawn and several residents from The Wing enjoyed going to Yaxham Waters. Don´t forget to take a look through the pictures because there has been a lot going on.

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  • February and March News 2019

    February and March News 2019

    During February we said goodbye to Carole Porter who retired after working as a Carer at Eckling Grange for just over 10 years. We want to thank Carole for all she has done for our residents, she will be missed by us all.

    Other events during February and March included a light-hearted concert of classical, jazz and well-known pieces on the violin and piano by Graham, Alison, and Barbara.

    We celebrated two ninetieth birthdays and one amazing resident turned 102. The children from Little Owls also came to visit. Another first in February was the visit by Eyebrow Arts who came with a great selection of activities which the residents all joined in with.

    Please look through the pictures to see even more.

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  • Christmas News 2018

    Christmas News 2018

    December has been an amazingly busy month around the Care Home with over 20 different events taking place, as well as other regular services. As you will see from the programme, these have varied from a children's day nursery, singing and spending time with the residents, through to a traditional carol service. Please take the time to look through the pictures.

    Special Thank You

    We would like to make a special mention this month and say thank you to all of our amazing staff who have worked right across the Christmas period; without them, none of this would be possible.

    Don't forget to look through the pictures.

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  • August News 2018

    August News 2018

    Yet another amazingly hot month was had by all. You will see from the pictures that being outside with ice creams and cold drink was clearly very popular. Also, for all of August, we had an art display running in the main lounge. Each week the display was work from different residents from around the home. Another highlight was the tea party at Bungalow 3. Nearly every resident from around the home managed to visit.

    Don't forget to look through the pictures.

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  • July News 2018

    July News 2018

    The highlight this month has to be the Summer Garden Party held on the 21st July. This year was probably our biggest turn out ever with around 200 guests joining us on the day. As in previous years there was a large variety of stalls and the buffet provided by the kitchen was exceptional. One relative commented 'the food was better than most of the weddings I'd attended' so a big thank you to Malcolm and Nelio and the team. The most popular thing by far was our picture frame. You will see everyone loved having their picture taken. If you would like a copy of any of the pictures, please contact the office.

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  • May & June News 2018

    May & June News 2018

    Like everyone else around the country on the 19th May, the residents in the Wing enjoyed celebrating the Royal Wedding of Harry and Meghan. Everyone got into the spirit of things, as you can see from the pictures.
    Although the residents joined with the whole country celebrating the Royal Wedding, there has been lots of other things going on over the last two month's. Everyone enjoyed visiting the amazing gardens at Dale Farm Dereham, as well as a trip to Whitwell Station. But it's not just about going out, because one of our residents, Elizabeth Birkett, recently gave a talk in our main lounge about her childhood days growing up in British Guiana. Enjoy looking through the pictures.

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  • March News 2018

    March News 2018

    Life around Eckling Grange has been full on during both February and March. There have been various events and activities being run. We have seen the 'Outings' start up again with several residents from the Wing going to Bawdeswell Garden Centre, followed by Mother's Day Tea and then as we thought Spring had arrived, the snow came instead. We want to especially thank all of our amazing staff who battled through the snow to ensure the residents were still cared for. Take a look at both sets of pictures.

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  • December 2017 News

    December 2017 News

    A great time has been had by everyone around Eckling Grange this Christmas Season. Have a look through the many pictures capturing all of the fun the residents had.

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  • In partnership with the Prince’s Trust

    In partnership with the Prince’s Trust

    Eckling Grange was chosen in October 2017 by the Prince’s Trust Team Programme as the venue for their next project. The team put together a project to develop the area outside of the Sun Lounge, to give it a facelift and make it more interesting for the residents.

    They put together a plan, which included fundraising, so they would be able to purchase the necessary equipment. After some preparation, the team moved on site from the 23rd October and spent a week working on their plans. The team also spent time each day with the residents and they enjoyed dining together which the residents particularly loved.

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  • Harvest Festival 2017

    Harvest Festival 2017

    This years Harvest Festival was again a great success. We had an amazing display which the residents enjoyed putting together and then on the Sunday afternoon we had our festival tea inviting our residents families to join us.

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  • Marjorie Howell 100th

    Marjorie Howell 100th

    Marjorie enjoyed celebrating her 100th birthday on the 8th Sept. On the day Marjorie received her card from the Queen and celebrated with her family, and friends from Eckling Grange. Marjorie has lived with us since 2011.

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  • Summer News 2017

    Summer News 2017

    The summer has been a good time for getting out. You will see from the various pictures that the residents have had the opportunity to visit several places of interest, as well as enjoy the beautiful grounds around Eckling Grange. Recent trips included, Felbrigg Hall, Bawdeswell Garden Centre, Yaxham Waters and Dale Farm. Please take the time to look through the pictures, you will see even the donkeys have been visiting.

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  • Garden Party 2017

    Garden Party 2017

    A massive thank you must go out to everyone who helped make our Garden Party such a great success, raising the incredible total of £1,388.48 which is going towards our residents activities. We want to thank everyone who worked so hard on the day, for the army of volunteers, and all those who attended and made it such an enjoyable time, without you all, the day would not have been such a great success.

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  • Spring News 2017

    Spring News 2017

    During the Spring we have been very busy with various activities but the highlights include the following: Fun times with Carrah from Tesco's who comes in on a regular basis. Every Monday, thanks to Sainsbury's, the residents love flower arranging. The old favourites this Spring include an Easter Egg Hunt, Mother's Day Tea and regular times including various crafts and games. The Windmill Hand Bell Ringers and the Cringleford Singer also came during the Spring. Take the time to look through the pictures.

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  • Gladys Dodsworth

    Gladys Dodsworth

    On the 3rd May, Gladys celebrated the amazing mile stone of reaching her 102nd Birthday. Gladys has lived at Eckling Grange for 32 years.

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  • Mary Welander 100th

    Mary Welander 100th

    On the 13th March, Mary celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends all around her. Mary has lived in a bungalow at Eckling Grange since Feb 1986. Before retiring Mary was a missionary in the far east, including a time in China under Chairman Mao.

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  • Jigsaws


    Another regular in 2017 is a Jigsaw table. We always have a large jigsaw on the go, with several residents enjoying the challenge. They even recently tried to complete a 2000 piece jigsaw without a picture. They got over halfway before having to give in and look at the picture.

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  • Christine

    Christine's Retirement Presentation

    Christine Willmott retired on the 28th April after working at Eckling Grange for 10 and a half years as the Care Office Administrator. We are very grateful for all that Christine did while working here and we wish her well for her retirement.

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  • December news 2016

    December news 2016

    Unsurprisingly December has been a very busy month, with lots going on from the beginning to the end. A big thank you must go to Edwina and Mel for all of the activities provided. Please have a look at all of the Christmas Pictures.

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  • September News

    September News

    September has been a very busy month with a lot of activity, both on and off site. This month the trips out went to Eaton Park in Norwich and Yaxham Waters. On site, we celebrated Harvest with our own Harvest Festival and probably the biggest single success was our own sponsored walk, in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society raising £475.00. Lastly, we must say a big thank you to Tesco’s and especially Carla, their ‘Community Champion’ and her team. Carla has visited Eckling Grange on several occasion but as you can see, in September her team got stuck into a bit of DIY.

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  • August News 2016

    August News 2016

    August has been a great month for getting out and about, both here in the gardens or off site. The highlights this month have included, a trip to Blickling Hall and two dog events on the lawns. One was a Residents Dog Show and the other a Gun Dog Trial. Also Tesco's have been in. Cara their Community Champion, has brought various friends with her who work at Tesco's to have fun with the residents. Lastly in the pictures you will see our annual indoor bowls championship. This year's winner was Rosemary Clarke.

    Take the time to have a look at all of the pictures.

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  • Garden Party 2016

    Garden Party 2016

    This event is probably the highlight of the year and this year's garden party was just as busy as those in the past. As you will see from the picture a large number of the residents and their families enjoyed the day. This year we had more stalls than ever, ranging from Craft to Make Up and Bibles to Cakes, there was something for everyone.

    Please take the time to look at the picture from all of these.

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  • July News 2016

    July News 2016

    At last the summer has arrived and the residents have enjoyed a varied range of activity. Three of the highlights have been, visits from the Salvation Army and the Masson Singers and a trip to Cromer. As always everyone enjoyed Pastor Ian and his family coming along to sing to everyone. The residents especially loved hearing his three grandchildren singing. Please take the time to look at the picture from all of these.

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  • June News 2016

    June News 2016

    During June there was a lot going on around the Grange but we have picked out 4 highlights to show you. 1st  We have found a little gem in Dereham called Dale Farm. Less than ½ mile from the town centre the residents enjoyed these amazing gardens. 2nd Like the rest of the UK, the residents from the bungalows and the home, celebrated the Queen’s 90th birthday. 3rd Another regular visitor to the Grange is the ‘Troshers’, an accordian group from Norwich. 4th Because of bad weather, there had to be a last minute change to the June Day Trip but we turned to, two old favorites, Highway Nurseries and Bawdeswell Garden Centre

    Please take the time to look at the picture from all of these.

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  • Craft and Cakes 2016

    Craft and Cakes 2016

    So far this year there have been several times when the residents have enjoyed times of craft or making cakes, so we thought we would let you see how much fun was had by all.

    Have a look at the pictures.

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  • Hunstanton in May

    Hunstanton in May

    Hunstanton on a cool day, was loved just the same. On the 26th May several residents enjoyed, good old fashion Fish & Chip and an Ice Cream  by the seaside. Even the passers-by commented, that it was great to see the residents enjoying themselves.

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  • Afternoon Tea

    Afternoon Tea

    On the 27th April a mixed group of residents from the home and bungalows went to the Memorial Hall for Afternoon Tea. This went down very well, including the Cakes and Tea.

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  • Pensthorpe Nature Park

    Pensthorpe Nature Park

    On the 21st April a group of residents went to Pensthorpe for the day. This has always been a favourite, and once again it proved to be very successful. Everyone particularly enjoyed watching the feeding time.

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  • Ten Pin Bowling

    Ten Pin Bowling

    This was a first for Eckling Grange but on the 10th March we took a group of residents 10 Pin Bowling. One of the residents who is 87, said I’ve always wondered what 10 Pin Bowling was like but I’ve really enjoyed, it’s my first time.

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  • Burns Night 2016

    Burns Night 2016

    Once again this year we had our own Piper to come and ‘Pipe in the Haggis’. The residents loved hearing the Bag Pipes but the Haggis was not so much a success, it wasn’t to everyone’s taste.

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  • Christmas 2015

    Christmas 2015

    Our Christmas activities started on the 1st December with a  Craft Sale and then ran through to the 31st Dec, when Pastor Ian conducted a Watch Night Service for the residents. Take a look at the pictures to see how much fun was had. There were several musical items but two events were particularly enjoyed, the Busybodies Stage School and the Children’s Party.

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  • Back to School

    Back to School

    On the 17th November 10 residents had the opportunity to go ‘back to school’. We are very grateful to Neatherd High School for inviting a group of residents to enjoy a school meal and special thanks must also go to the children, who gave up their dinner time to spend time talking with our residents.

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  • Tudor Day

    Tudor Day

    After weeks of preparation, finally, on the 14th November we had our Tudor Day. As you will see from the picture, great fun was had by all, as staff and residents dressed up in Tudor costumes. Ali from the National Trust came and talked about life in ‘Tudor times’. A big thank you to Ali and to all those who took part.

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  • The Troshers

    The Troshers

    On the 27th October there was an amazing sound in the main lounge, as 12 accordion players came and entertained a room full of residents.

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  • Val Dodsworth from Bungalow 26 receives her MBE

    Val Dodsworth from Bungalow 26 receives her MBE

    Val was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire for services to homeless people and to the community in Norwich, and received the honour in front of around 50 family, friends, colleagues and residents at the home of General the Lord Dannatt and L

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  • Fakenham Garden Centre

    Fakenham Garden Centre

    On the 20th October a small group went to Fakenham Garden Centre. This was the first trip out with our new transport. We want to thank LAMS (Life And Multiple Sclerosis Day Group) for letting us regularly hire their bus. Look out for the new drivers in th

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  • Harvest Festival 2015

    Harvest Festival 2015

    It doesn’t seem possible that another year has passed since we had our last Harvest Festival but once again we had a lounge full of residents and their families, having a great time together.

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  • Trip to the Windmill Cafe

    Trip to the Windmill Cafe

    One of the closest attractions to Eckling Grange is Dereham Windmill. The recently refurbished Windmill now has a new Café as well. With it being so close it would be rude not to try it out.

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  • Dog Show

    Dog Show

    The 19th August was our first ever dog show and firstly we want to say a big thank you to everyone who brought their dog along on the day. What a great time was had by all. We also want to give a special vote of thanks to Jolleys Petfood who supplied the

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  • Indoor Picnic

    Indoor Picnic

    The 18th August turned out to be a rainy day but it didn’t spoil our planned garden picnic. Thank fully we were able to rearrange the large lounge and the picnic came indoors.

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  • The Masson Singers

    The Masson Singers

    On the 18th August Pastor Ian and his family came and sang to the residents. A big thank you to you all for coming, especially the 3 children, the residents loved you.

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  • Garden Party (Indoors)

    Garden Party (Indoors)

    On the 25th July even the rain couldn�t spoil our annual garden party. We had 11 stalls displaying all sorts of goodies scattered around the Grange (one of the big advantages of having so much space). Even though we had to be inside, it didn�t spoil the occasion with around 150 visitors joining us on the day.

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  • Flower Arranging

    Flower Arranging

    Flower arranging is always popular and once again during August, Sainsburys kindly donated the flowers which the residents loved arranging. The flowers then went on display around the home.

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  • Six Form Tea Dance

    Six Form Tea Dance

    On Tuesday 30th June Barnham Broom Youth Choir came and sang to the residents. A large group gathered in the lounge and everyone thoroughly enjoyed �hearing the young people sing and play instruments. Thank you to those who gave up there time for the residents.

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  • Barnham Broom Youth Choir

    Barnham Broom Youth Choir

    On Tuesday 30th June Barnham Broom Youth Choir came and sang to the residents. A large group gathered in the lounge and everyone thoroughly enjoyed �hearing the young people sing and play instruments. Thank you to those who gave up there time for the residents.

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  • Afternoon Tea

    Afternoon Tea

    On Tuesday 30th June Barnham Broom Youth Choir came and sang to the residents. A large group gathered in the lounge and everyone thoroughly enjoyed �hearing the young people sing and play instruments. Thank you to those who gave up there time for the residents.

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  • Dereham Neatherd High School

    Dereham Neatherd High School

    On Tuesday 23rd June, a group from Neatherd High School Band came to play to the residents. We had hoped this would be the first function in the new band stand since it has been finished but unfortunately it was a cold day so we had to be inside.

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  • Roy is retiring

    Roy is retiring

    For the last 4 years Roy Spalding has been providing the transport for all of our �trips out� on the Local Charity Bus. After many years of faithfully providing transport for the elderly in the Dereham area, Roy is taking a well-earned rest and retiring. We would like to say a very big thank you to Roy for all of the help he has provided over the years.

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  • St George�s Day 2015�

    St George�s Day 2015�

    For the first time at Eckling Grange we decided to mark St George�s Day with a Street Party style event in the main lounge. We put all the tables together in the lounge and had all of the old favourite songs playing.

    Listen to the singalong on the video clips.

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  • Gressenhall Rural Life Museum

    Gressenhall Rural Life Museum

    On the 8th June we took out our largest group of residents and volunteers yet, 28 in all, 14 residents and 14 volunteers. Firstly we need to say a big thank you to all of those who helped, to even make this possible.
    The residents had a great day going around the rural life museum and also visiting the farm, which is connected to the museum. The highlight was a tractor ride for all, even if it was a bit difficult to get everyone on board.�

    Take a look at the pictures.

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  • Gun Dog Display

    Gun Dog Display

    Wednesday 27th May was another first for Eckling Grange as we held our very first Gun Dog Display. The display was held on the main lawns and residents from the home and bungalows sat out on a beautiful afternoon and enjoyed the amazing display. A big thank you must go to Trevor, Dave, Mary and William for making it all happen.
    If you liked the dog�s, then look out for the Dog Show, which is coming up on 19th August.

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  • Animal Crazy

    Animal Crazy

    After already having had 3 successful visits by animals this year, the residents enjoyed seeing some ducklings and kittens brought in by staff. Take a look at the pictures.

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  • Making Cakes

    Making Cakes

    The residents continue to enjoy making cake, after many years of practise.

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  • Bawdeswell Garden Centre

    Bawdeswell Garden Centre

    On 11th May a small group of residents went to Bawdeswell Garden Centre. Although the Tea shop was good, the walk around the grounds was enjoyed far more.

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  • 100th Birthday

    100th Birthday

    On the 3rd May Gladys Dodsworth celebrated her 100th Birthday with Family and Friends. Gladys is an amazing lady who is still very much the life and soul of the party.

    Gladys�s family had travelled from both sides of the world to celebrate their Mum�s birthday. Gladys has lived on site since first moving into a bungalow with her husband in May 1985. John passed away in Jan 2001. Gladys has been living in the Grange since Dec 2011 and we love having her with us.� Please take a look at the pictures.

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  • Norwich Castle Museum

    Norwich Castle Museum

    This trip out proofs, that it�s never too late to learn. On the 13th April a group of residents went for a trip to Norwich Castle. The Castle was built 900 years ago by the Normans as a Royal Palace but is open today as a museum.�

    Enjoy the pictures.

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  • Spring Watch

    Spring Watch

    On the 10th April Spring Watch came to Eckling Grange. Our Spring Watch was a little different to the BBC but we had all sorts of animals here for the residents to enjoy, plus we had a beautiful spring day as well. The residents loved holding, cuddling and stroking everything from a spring lamb to a rabbit or a duckling to a hedgehog.� If you don�t normally, you must look at these pictures they are great.

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  • Farewell Parade

    Farewell Parade

    Four of our residents joined around 4,000 Dereham folk witness the Farewell Parade by the Light Dragoons. Take a look at the pictures

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  • SOAK


    Once again during the Easter Holidays we�ve had a visit from the young people who get involved with the Social Action Week run by Breckland Youth for Christ. The youngsters came and got involved with various activities during the afternoon which also included one resident giving a recorded interview about her younger life.

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  • Music in March

    Music in March

    During March we�ve had two very different items of musical entertainment. The first was John Money singing and playing his guitar. Then at the end of the month the Windmill Ringers came again and played a variety of songs. In both cases the residents loved singing along to the music.

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  • Mothers Day

    Mothers Day

    This event is always a favorite with everyone. This years over 40 family memebers came in and joined their Mother for Tea. A great time was had by all and a big thank you goes to the kitchen once again for the amazing buffet. Take a look at the pictures.

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  • Flower Arranging

    Flower Arranging

    Thanks to flower arranging has taken on a new meaning. Twice in the last few weeks Edwina has collect literately a car load of flower which Sainsbury�s have kindly donated and then the residents have enjoyed arranging and displaying them around the home.

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  • Alzheimer�s Singers

    Alzheimer�s Singers

    On 23rd February the Alzheimer Society Singers came to the Wing to entertain the residents during the afternoon. Several residents from the Grange also went over to the Wing to join in with the singing.

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  • Zootastic


    Thursday 12th Feb What a great time was had by the residents when Zootastic came to visit. They brought with them all sorts of animals, from snakes to rabbits and many more. Take the time to look at the various pictures.

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  • Morrisons

    Morrisons has become a regular spot for a cream tea. Several residents have loved going down to the shop for afternoon tea. A big thank you goes to Morrisons for providing the refreshments.

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  • Reminiscence


    On the 19th January, Edwina (Activities Co-ordinator) put in a lot of effort to bring together some very special bits of War time memorabilia. There were so many stories being talked about that everyone nearly missed dinner.

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  • Burns Night Event 2015

    Burns Night Event

    Wednesday 28th January. To celebrate Burns Night this year, we had our own Piper come and �pipe in the Haggis�. Haggis had been prepared by the kitchen and most of the residents enjoyed tasting, but not all!! The piper then stayed and played several well-known traditional Burns Night songs. Take a look at the pictures and watch the video.

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  • Christmas around Eckling Grange

    Christmas around Eckling Grange

    We have had a great time this Christmas. As you will see from the various pictures, there was loads going on, with a lot of fun had by all. Our Christmas activities started on the 2nd Dec and went through until the 30th. The activities included everything, from a Christmas craft sale, to music events, from a Christmas Dinner for 125 people to a Party for all, from a Christmas Nativity put on by Ian and the staff, to a service on Christmas morning. A big thank you to all who contributed but especially to our staff who worked all across the Christmas period.

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  • Alzheimer�s Society Singing Group

    Alzheimer�s Society Singing Group

    The dementia garden has been re-landscaped. The idea is the new path ways and summer house will give the residents space to explore. There�s a post box and water feature, as well as some chickens the residents can help feed each day. There is still quite a bit of planting to do, so keep a look out, as the space develops in the coming months. Please see the pictures.

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  • Dementia Garden

    Dementia Garden

    The dementia garden has been re-landscaped. The idea is the new path ways and summer house will give the residents space to explore. There�s a post box and water feature, as well as some chickens the residents can help feed each day. There is still quite a bit of planting to do, so keep a look out, as the space develops in the coming months. Please see the pictures.

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  • Retirement


    On the 8th November Janice Doore retired after working at Eckling Grange for the past nine years. We would like to thank Janice for all she has done over the years and we wish her every blessing in her retirement. Please see the pictures.

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  • India Week

    India Week

    Week commencing the 2nd November, was our second internationally themed week of the year. The residents enjoyed several different activities during the week all themed around, life in India. One of the favourite days was, when some of our Indian staff came in wearing their native clothes. Another favourite was the food, which was enjoyed by all. We would like to thank all those who took part during the week and especially, thank you to those who prepared the amazing food we enjoyed. Please see the pictures.

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  • Harvest 2014

    Harvest 2014

    Once again all of the residents and their families came together to celebrate Harvest Thanksgiving. Pastor Ian also reminded everyone, of God�s continued goodness and faithfulness to us all.

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  • Norfolk Broads 2014

    Norfolk Broads 2014

    In September we took a group of residents for a day trip on the Norfolk Broads. Everyone enjoyed their day out, as you will see from the pictures.

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  • Making Tracks

    Making Tracks

    An interesting afternoon was spent with Paddy Anstey, who came and gave a talk about the railways, including Mid Norfolk

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  • Summer Garden Party 2014

    Summer Garden Party 2014

    What a great time was had by all on the 9th August, at our first Garden Party. Between 150-200 residents, families and friends came and enjoyed the fun. There was all sorts of things to do, from Bric-a-brac to book stalls, from treasure trails to cake stalls, and of course, plenty of refreshments and ice creams. A big thank you, goes to all of those who volunteered.

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  • Retirement Presentation

    Retirement Presentation

    On the 16th July we had a retirement presentation for Julie Hannant. Julie started work at Eckling Grange in February 2003 and over the years she had worked as both a Carer and Shift Supervisor. Julie received gifts from the Grange, marking her 11 years of service and she will be missed by all.

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  • Ian & Lynda Masson

    Ian & Lynda Masson

    In April we had a special morning hearing the testimonies of our Pastor and his wife. Everyone especially enjoyed hearing Lynda sing.

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  • Fairhaven Woodland and Water Garden

    Fairhaven Woodland and Water Garden

    On the 8th May a group of residents enjoyed the day looking around Fairhaven Gardens. As you can see from the sign, they also caused a little congestion in the tea room.

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  • Southburgh Children�s Choirt

    Southburgh Children�s Choirt

    On the 6th May, the residents enjoyed a wonderful evening of music and colour, as the Southburgh Children�s Choir performed a rendition of the musical �Joseph�.

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  • Lounge Refurbishment

    Residents take to the air waves

    As part of North Breckland Youth for Christ�s Easter activities, they ran a radio station for the Easter week called Breckfest Radio, which was broadcast around the Dereham area on 87.9 FM . One of the features during each day, was to hear the Easter story read from the Bible. Four of our residents joined other young people, who were recorded a few weeks earlier reading the story. Listen to the links and you will hear Jean Rudd, Josephine May, Margherita Wright and Marthi Hall, as they bridge the age gap and join in with Youth for Christ.

    Bible history 1
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  • Lounge Refurbishment

    Lounge Refurbishment

    On the 27th May we started the main lounge refurbishment. Over the next seven weeks the room was completely stripped back to bare walls and additional insulation and a new heating system were added. The whole room was then plastered and redecorated before the final touches of carpeting and curtains were added.�We are really pleased with the final result and we would like to especially thank the residents for their patience. A big thank you also needs to go to the contractors �for completing the work on time. The contractors included �Ian and James from Property Maintenance Services, Richard Frary (Plumbing), Richard Hawes (Electrician), Furncare (Carpeting and Curtains) and M+L Plasterer�s.

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  • Return Visit

    Return Visit

    On the 21st May the residents were wonderfully entertained by the Cringleford Singers. A great time was had by all, listening to a variety of music.

  • Ukraine Weeks

    Ukraine Weeks

    It�s a privilege to have staff who come from other countries and the residents love to find out about the local cultures, of the staffs home nation. So this year, we decided to have one or two themed weeks. The first nation we chose was the Ukraine.�During the week we enjoyed making traditional Headdress and Easter Eggs. Maryna made Ukrainian cookies for the residents and on one of the days she came to work in national dress and talked about various Ukrainian traditions including dancing. On the Wednesday, even the menu for the day was Ukrainian (and tasted very nice). Everyone had a great week.�A big thank you goes to Maryna Polishchuk for helping Carol and making it all possible.

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  • Bombay teen challenge

    Bombay Teen challenge

    As part of our Christmas gifts, each year Eckling Grange supports other charities both home and abroad and one of those for 2014 was The Bombay Teen Challenge. On the 20th May, Malcolm and Debbie Rogers came to talk about the work which they are involved in, with the Bombay Teen Challenge, having only just returned from India. Take a look at their website which is full of information.

    Visit Bombay Teen Challenge website >

  • Race for Life

    Race for Life

    On the 17th May, 10 members of staff and children, formed TEAM ECKLING GRANGE and entered the Race for Life at the Norfolk Show Ground, raising money for Cancer Research UK. I�m pleased to say that everyone successfully completed the course on a very hot day. Well done to all who took part, we are proud of you. �

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  • Ruth Goddard turns 100

    Ruth Goddard turns 100

    On the 11th March, Mrs Ruth Goddard celebrated her 100th birthday. During the afternoon Ruth was joined by her Son and Daughter in-law, Grandchildren, and Great Grandchildren as well as other family members. Ruth has been a resident at Eckling Grange for the last 18 years. I am pleased to say that the Queen also remembered to send her a card to mark the special occasion.

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  • Easter Fun day

    Easter Fun day

    What a lot of fun was had over Easter. Over one week and all of these pictures were taken. You can see that everyone has enjoyed, making Hat�s, Eggs and Cakes. The cakes look like they went down extremely with all as well as the Easter Eggs for all on the day. Well done to Carol and Sue who look after the activities at Eckling Grange, clearly a great week. Also over Easter, Teenagers involved with SOAK (a social action week run by North Breckland Youth for Christ ) came and got involved with the residents. The residents loved talking and playing games with the young people.

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  • Mother�s Day Tea

    Mother�s Day Tea

    We once again held our annual Mother�s Day Tea for the residents and their families. This year, �CUP CAKES� was the theme of the day and over 50 guests enjoyed a buffet meal together. Take a look at the pictures, to see that fun was had by all.

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  • 60th Wedding Anniversary

    60th weedding anniversary

    On the 27th March we had the opportunity to join with Archie and Marthi Hall as they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Archie and Marthi first met, when Archie went to preach at a Church in Potters Bar. After this Archie started to write to Marthi which ended with them getting married at Hammersmith London in 1954. They have 5 Boys, 16 Grandchildren and 1 Great-Grandchild and they have been happily married for 60 years. Archie and Marthi have both been living at Eckling Grange since 2010.

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  • Time for a Cuppa

    Time for a Cuppa

    As part of raising awareness about dementia, Eckling Grange took part in �Dementia UK�s Time for a Cuppa. On Wednesday 5th March we invited all of our residents families and the residents from our sheltered accommodation to come and join us for Tea and Cake. The lounge was packed with visitor and everyone enjoyed spending time with one another. Many also commented about how homely the Wing feels following recent redecoration. Take a look at the pictures to see how many enjoyed the afternoon.

    Related links:

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  • Dereham Windmill

    Dereham Windmill

    On 27th February, Brian & Alison Webb came and gave a talk about Dereham Windmill and its recent restoration. Residents from the home and bungalows enjoyed hearing and seeing the presentation. Take a look at the pictures or visit

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  • Pastoral Appointment

    Pastoral Appointment

    The Trustees of Eckling Grange are delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Ian Masson as Pastor to Eckling Grange. This appointment will commence on the 3rd February 2014 and Ian will take on the lead role heading the Pastoral Team and Spiritual work.

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  • Christmas Eve

    Christmas Eve

    Christmas Eve was a great time of fun around the Grange and Wing. We finished the afternoon with some fun around the Christmas tree.

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  • Bungalow Christmas Dinner

    Bungalow Christmas Dinner

    On the 12th Dec, 50 of the residents from the bungalow complex came to the Grange for a Christmas meal. All enjoyed turkey with all of the trimmings and the hats!

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  • Preparing Christmas

    Preparing Christmas

    Why buy decorations when you can make them yourself. Several residents have been busy preparing for Christmas. Have a look at the pictures.

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  • Hats


    During an activity morning in December, fun was had by all as we spent the morning reminiscing about days out, involving hats. Have a look at the picture, clearly a fun time.

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  • Hope Now 2014

    Hope Now 2014

    Once again, it was a pleasure for the residents this year to be entertained by the young people from Hope Now, who came and performed traditional songs and dancing from the Ukraine. The group called �Zozulenka� visited Eckling Grange while touring the UK on their 2013 tour.

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  • Fun in the Wing

    Fun in the Wing

    Fun is had by all each week when John Money entertains the residents, some even have ago at some dancing.

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  • Norfolk Broads Boat Trip

    Retirement after 57 years

    On Friday 20th September we had a retirement presentation in the main lounge for Linda Read who started work here in 1975, yes that�s 38 years of service and Cindy Butler started in 1994. Linda has only ever worked nights but Cindy started work in the laundry before progressing to care work, then lastly to night shifts. Linda said that she only came for two weeks (they must have been the longest two weeks of her life). Both received gifts from the Grange on behalf of all, marking the many years of care that they have given. Both will be missed by all. Have a look at some of the pictures.

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  • Norfolk Broads Boat Trip

    Everyone enjoyed a day out
    on the Broads

    For this month�s trip out we took some of our residents from the Grange and Wing for a trip out on the Broads. A dozen residents enjoyed the boat trip and picnic, as we sailed along in brilliant sun light. Have a look at some of the pictures.

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  • Norfolk Broads Boat Trip

    Norfolk Broads Boat Trip

    25 of our bungalow residents enjoyed a day out on the Norfolk Broads. They were picked up by coach and also stopped off at Potter Heigham on the way.

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  • 2013 Bowls Champion

    2013 Bowls Champion

    Once again we have held our annual bowls championship. This year Amy Doig was the run-away champion. You can see her receiving the Eckling Grange Shield.

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  • Carrotts to Cake

    Carrotts to Cake

    The residents in the Wing have been growing vegetables and bedding plants this year. They started with planting seeds in trays, which they then re-planted out in their garden. In the pictures you can see the carrots being picked and then turned into a very tasty Carrott Cake.

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  • Norfolk Christian care home celebrates 50 years

    Norfolk Christian care home celebrates 50 years

    On the 15th June we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the official opening of Eckling Grange. 230 people joined in the celebrations which were held in a Marquee on the main lawns. Among the guests, were several who also attend the opening in 1963. The guests included former Trustees, Managers and family and friends of the current residents. The main point of the afternoon was to give thanks to God for all that he has provided at Eckling Grange over the years. Mr Russell Horne and Mr David Jack spoke of their experiences and testified of Gods faithfulness at Eckling Grange. During the afternoon the Bridgham and Harling Band entertained everyone, pictures of the past and present were on display and all enjoyed a buffet provided from the Grange kitchen. We had an amazing day of celebration and the Trustees particularly want to thank all of the staff who made the event such a success.
    Read an article from Network Mid Norfolk

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  • North Breckland Youth for Christ

    North Breckland Youth for Christ

    On the 9th May NBYFC came to talk to the residents about the youth/school work they are involved with in the North Breckland area of Norfolk.

  • Cringleford Singers

    55 Years of Happy Marriage

    In the 3rd of May Alf and Pam Holland from Bungalow 32 celebrated being married for 55 years.

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  • Outings 2013

    Outings 2013

    Take a look at the outings planned for 2013. We start off with a trip to Felbrigg Hall on the 22nd April. Once again this year we are using the local Charity Bus with wheel chair access provided by Roy Spalding.

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  • Cringleford Singers

    Cringleford Singers

    On Wednesday the 20th March we had a great afternoon, being entertained by the Cringleford Singer. This was the first time they had been to Eckling Grange but we have already had several requests to re-book them to return.

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  • Mother's Day Tea

    Mother's Day Tea

    On Mother�s day we had around 40 family and friends who came and enjoyed afternoon tea together with the residents. Each year the residents have the opportunity to invite two guests to join them for Mother�s Day.

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  • Elaine Denny

    Elaine Denny

    On the 27th Feb Elaine Denny came to sing to a large group the residents from both the Wing and Grange.

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  • Snow at the Grange

    Snow at the Grange

    Like all of central Norfolk, Eckling Grange has had its fair share of snow this week. Take a look at some of the pictures taken this week around the Grange.

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  • 70th Wedding Anniversary

    70th Wedding Anniversary

    On the 3rd January David and Betty Everett celebrated the 70th Wedding Anniversary. Several generations of the family came and joined the celebrations in the lounge.

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  • Christmas Dinner 2012

    Christmas Dinner 2012

    On Dec 13th 45 bungalow residents came to the Grange for a Christmas meal together. This is one of the rare occasions in the year when the bungalow residents are all together without residents from the home. Stewart welcomed the nine new residents who had moved in during 2012.

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  • Dereham's answer to Alfie Boe

    Dereham's answer to Alfie Boe

    On the Dec 19th Ian Eves came and entertained the residents with a selection of Classic Christmas songs.

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  • Christmas Eve

    Christmas Eve

    On Christmas Eve the staff entertained the residents with all sorts of fun. The time was finished off with singing carols together and hearing the Christmas story read from the Bible.

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  • Christmas Party

    Christmas Party

    Our annual Christmas party was held on Dec 27th this years. Around 70 residents from the bungalows and home enjoyed some good old fashioned party games, after which Father Christmas dropped in, on his way back to Lapland after a very busy few days!!

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  • 2012 Art Display

    2012 Art Display

    The 6th December was our Annual Water Colour Art Display. Twice a week we have a budding group of artists that meet together under the guidance of Colin Launchbury. They have painted many diffrerent sceneries over the year but these are one or two of their favourites.

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  • Annual Craft Sale 2012

    Annual Craft Sale 2012

    Once again the craft group have been working away all year on all sorts of different craft items. This year's sale has been a successful as ever but if you missed it, you can always come and buy something from the permanent display in the reception.

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  • Christmas tree fest

    Christmas tree fest

    On Monday 3rd December a group of residents went to Fakenham (care of the Dereham Charity Bus) and enjoyed seeing all of the Christmas Trees on display. This is the third year we've been and is always a favourite, even if it was cold!

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  • Windmill Ringers 2012

    Windmill Ringers 2012

    On Friday 28th November the Windmill Ringers came and entertained the residents with a selection of well-known hymns and tunes.

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  • Cameo Singers

    Cameo Singers

    On November 26th the Cameo Singers came and lead the an afternoon of song, poetry and scripture. The lounge was full, with residents from all areas of the home.

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  • Hope now tour 2012

    Hope Now 2012 Tour

    On November 19th we had the opportunity to hoist the singing group Zozulenka. As part of Hope Now's annual tour of the UK, Zozulenka came and entertained the resident with a colourful display of singing and dancing. What a great afternoon. Visit the Hope Now website: to find out more about their work in the Ukraine.

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  • 50th anniversary

    50th Anniversary!

    On November 13th Mr & Mrs Derek Earl celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Derek and Hannelore have lived in a bungalow at Eckling Grange for the past ten years.

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  • A touch of magic

    A touch of Magic!

    On November 8th one of the Trustees of Eckling Grange Mr Richard Oliver was performing magic. Richard and his wife Wilma, plus two of their friends came and entertained a large group of residents with Magic!! and Music.

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  • Double Golden Celebrations

    Special day !

    October 6th 2012 was a special day for two couples who have been involved with Eckling Grange for many years. Peter & Ann Baldwin and Andy & Mary Jack both celebrated their Golden Wedding.

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  • Train Trip from Wroxham to Aylsham

    Train trip!

    A group went out for a trip on the train from Wroxham to Aylsham

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  • Strawberry Tea 2012

    Nearly 100 family and friends gathered on the lawn and enjoyed Ian Eves (our singing builder).

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  • Jubilee Celebrations

    Jubilee Celebrations

    Both residents and staff gathered for our Jubilee Celebration. In the morning all were able to watch the Jubilee Service from St Paul's on the large screen

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  • Train Trip

    Bowls Group finally outside

    At last the Bowls group have been able to move outside.

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